Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Online Dating Gem

At first glance, this man who messaged me spurred a reminiscent memory of a friend from the past. A good friend from highschool- he was half black, and half asian. Hence, a warm spot in my heart for the blasian men. So I get a message from said blasian onliner, and I decide to take a lil peak at his profile before just automatically clicking the delete button without even reading the lame attempt at a pick up line. I'm thinking, with the current Tiger Woods scandals, maybe the blasian man is a man of curiousity and interest at this hour. So I click on dood's profile... here's his pic:

Standard cell phone camera bathroom self pic (CPCBS).

So I'm like OK. He is thinkin he is hot, kinda playin on the Tiger Woods swag right. And then.. I scroll on down through his pictures... and there it is...

Oh no he didn't!!!

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